Friday, March 23, 2007

citpanys & Fyordahs

Someone I know from Jupiter called today.

Someone I know from Jupiter called today. He said he'd been having a hard time with recent events. I'll stick to his immediate plight while leaving the peripherals still scattered, for his safety.

He said the first thing he could…” remember was the blinding red color that the insides of our eyelids can become when they’re splattered with blood and a spotlight or some damned other bright hot thing is just inches from the face. I tried scooting from the light. I felt very weak, tired, and battered. Was I drugged too or just beat up? I was on the floor, assuming then that gravity was normal, I could slide no more than a foot or so when my back hit something. It was the wall. A small blunt point of something pressed into my cheek, followed by a twist and dig. It didn’t break the skin, just burned like all hell when it was turned. Then the same kind of thing hit into my side, another into my shoulder, my side again. I heard a small grunt as the thing landed the last blow on me as though the force was really put into this last one. A shuffle of standing, then footsteps, their sound moving away from me. 6 or 7 steps maybe, slowly. It sounded like just one person. Someone clears their throat, a man, further yet beyond the footsteps. The footsteps stop, I am trying to open my eyes a little but it feels like one is wholly swelled shut or stuck shut by what might be my own dried blood. How long had I been out? The sound of a metal chair on porceline tiles as someone sat on it. The next throat to clear was a woman’s, in the same probable proximity of the chair. My right eye was history; I must have peeled 20 eyelashes out to get my left one open enough to see anything. Through the fuzzy darkness of my strained vision I saw a silhouette of a woman, seated, returning heeled shoes to her feet.

“I thought I was going to have to kill you just to wake you up.” Low, smooth, and damaged, was her voice. “Clean his eyes off” She said then to someone.

I heard the sounds of two sets of feet walking toward me. All I could see were the hands grabbing for my shoulders. Another set grabbed my legs. They pounded my head under water in some large bucket, pulling and pushing me back under 3 or 4 times, they held me under, up, then under quickly. This last time they shook me around with whatever bucket they were using and threw me against the wall. The sound of metal screamed into my ears as it hit. The bucket fell off and crashed to the floor echoing into a very large, empty room. I slid to my seat on the floor. The water mixed with the wet blood, breaking up some of the dried stuff as it burned a path for my eyes to focus. A towel of sorts fell on my shoulder. One of the two who had just “washed my eyes” threw it.

The woman spoke again,” Look at me, (a cough), look at me”

This was a bad day, I didn’t need to see who it was now; I knew.

“I thought you were dead” said I.

She replied, “I was”.”

After that he went on to explain that he was either knocked out or he passed out. He wasn’t sure which but that he was still keeping hold of the situation but could talk no more. He couldn't at that time talk of his means of communication .I suspect he’ll call again when opportunity presents itself.

Tormen Tagain

Sunday, March 18, 2007

It and the middle of no where.

How far away is it if you are standing in the middle of no where ?

First, a couple things need to be addressed prior to any reasonable formulation of coherent and positive forward moving deductive processes begin.

1- What is it ? Is it something we can lay our hands on ? A place we can go ? Is it something not quite so "real" but something for which one might strive for such as a goal? Maybe a state of mental and emotional well being or any other "places" which we as individuals would desire to eventually attain.

2-Where is no where ? If it really is no where then can it actually be any where at all ? If not then no where cannot be any where because no where could be used as a defining and descriptive location for where we are. That in turn in relalation to where we find ourselves when we achieve "It".

Theory one----If no where doesn't exist at all how can we have placed ourselves in the middle of it? To have placed ourselves in the middle of no where means that it must have substance or space, otherwise how could it support us in the middle of it. Unless we also are comprised of the same stuff that makes for nothing. Stuff, (to be debated in a later post,...maybe). I suppose tho that one could present themselves to be in the middle of a great void, and that could be no where. Although, a void is said to be someplace de'void of stuff, completely lacking in substance. This brings to thought that this void must be located somewhere in the middle of or contained within stuff or substance itself, thereby gaining unto itself some measure of substance being the place where stuff isn't. Could we by finding where no where is then give some attainability to the seeking of "It"?

Thursday, March 8, 2007


Have you ever eaten in a restaurant ? Of course, we all have. We go to our favorite place trusting that they have not only their own pocketbooks in mind but our own best interests as well. Health, a clean kitchen, safe environment. Well, F*** you Anchorage health dpartment for allowing such vile and disgusting operations such as an unnamed um, eaterie to conduct business this way. I have seen filth like I have never seen before in a restaurant. Powerwash it all you like and it still won't wash away the history. Cleanliness is something too be kept up on a regular basis not demanded of you because you've been caught. Speaking of powerwashing there is more too it than just wetting down the floor. What about the moldy crap from months of neglect on the sides of all the equipment, What about the obvious old blood stains on the walls from the ducks and (cats?), you skin and cook up. What was that swimming in the stinky moldy pot hidden away in the corner ? your ex or something ? How about the shrews ? They certainly have no reason to run racing for all the stupid little traps under every table in the dining area now do they ? Not when there's a veritable smorgasboard of opened food containers and left out food in trays, bowls, and pans all over the kitchen. And the nasty employees restrooms which won't flush ? eewwwwwww!!!!Sorry, I've only scratched the surface of sickness going on here but I think you get the idea. Who is to blame ? The owner of this and other similarly disgusting eateries or a severely lacking, (or corrupt?),system of checks in the Anchorage health department. Who allows this kind of place to remain open ? Don't be fooled by the seemingly pristine dining area, look for clues, they are there. A wise old saying states that all that glitters is not always gold. Remember, Piss is also Golden. F***in' asses.