Saturday, March 1, 2008

Tic Tacs and equilibrium

Yesterday evening I fell and slid partway under my truck while opening the passenger door to let my daughter out. I've been wondering why I took that fall. I've parked at the same spot all winter here in my driveway. Even though there is a notable angle and lots of ice I've never fallen before. I'm used to walking on the ice since I live in Alaska for gods sake but I think I came up with a theory. I usually don't have Tic Tacs in my mouth. I think maybe at the time of opening the door I must have slid the Tic Tacs to the left side of my mouth disrupting the equilibrium and weight of my body to the left side while on the relative slick and angled surface of ice and caused myself to tumble over.

AS an experiment I again placed the tic tacs in my mouth, kept them centrally located and opened the door to my truck. I didn't fall this time.
My recommendation is that if you are going to walk around with Tic Tacs in your mouth keep them situated toward the center of your mouth while walking. Especially in the winter when there is much ice on the ground.

As a further note maybe it is possible to control a fall if while falling you quickly shift the Tic Tacs to the opposite side of the mouth from the direction you are falling. Maybe it will cause the opposite effect to right yourself before hitting the ground. I'll let you know how that experiment goes.


Mark Sheely said...

The best thing about the comment you left on my blog is that I actually used to do research involving lab rats in the basement of a very large building. There were days I would have paid for someone to bring in an owl to take them all away.

VA said...

And one must wonder how much we ourselves are lab rats through this very un-private media that is the blog. But it's all good, At least here on mine I can honestly say that only a piece of me arrives to tap the keyboard. Or should I say an abstract alteration. MAybe I can no longer recognize which is which? Well, that's fun too.
To reference the blog post of conversation you can find it here.
Mark's one good picture blog

Shana said...

could it be the flavor of the tic tac? Seems the orange ones produce more saliva...and the white ones make your nose run...think they quit making the disgusting purple ones...but the green ones just might be the center of gravity.

VA said...

You might be onto something. They were the green ones that I had in my mouth. If the green ones really are the center of gravity then that could possibly support my theory.
I have Further researched this since you brought this possibility to the forefront. Underneath the green covering it is white! Further support that green is indeed the center.

Allow me to explain my findings:

If you utilize a prism to break apart white light then it is the green that comes out as the center of the spectrum. The green Tic Tac, (and I assume the other colored ones are as well), is white in the center yet is surrounded by a thin skin of green. Thus supporting your theory that the green ones are indeed the center of gravity.

To the lab again!

Grape Ape said...

funny stuff! Just wanna give a shout out to another exfundy in Anchorage Alaska. What up!? Summer time is right around the corner so keep off the tic tacs until then.

VA said...

Yes! absolutely! I have sworn off tic tacs and Summer is INDEED right around the corner. I'm priming my mountain Bike and treking feet almost as we speak. Speaking of exfundy. Here's another post you might be interested in.
Spiritualality, Religion, and food stuffs for Aliens
It's great to stir the pot every once in awhile ya know ?