Saturday, March 1, 2008

Tic Tacs and equilibrium

Yesterday evening I fell and slid partway under my truck while opening the passenger door to let my daughter out. I've been wondering why I took that fall. I've parked at the same spot all winter here in my driveway. Even though there is a notable angle and lots of ice I've never fallen before. I'm used to walking on the ice since I live in Alaska for gods sake but I think I came up with a theory. I usually don't have Tic Tacs in my mouth. I think maybe at the time of opening the door I must have slid the Tic Tacs to the left side of my mouth disrupting the equilibrium and weight of my body to the left side while on the relative slick and angled surface of ice and caused myself to tumble over.

AS an experiment I again placed the tic tacs in my mouth, kept them centrally located and opened the door to my truck. I didn't fall this time.
My recommendation is that if you are going to walk around with Tic Tacs in your mouth keep them situated toward the center of your mouth while walking. Especially in the winter when there is much ice on the ground.

As a further note maybe it is possible to control a fall if while falling you quickly shift the Tic Tacs to the opposite side of the mouth from the direction you are falling. Maybe it will cause the opposite effect to right yourself before hitting the ground. I'll let you know how that experiment goes.