Friday, April 6, 2007

Another strange evening

I was standing atop our earth sheltered house Last evening when something with huge leathery wings swept down on me. I felt first engulfed by the shadow as it grew to darken the space around me. followed by a gentle uptug in the air around me as it lighted down. Great wings folded around in a terrifyingly beautiful arch. Just as quick they swept away, opening my eyes to the sun and bringing into view a sort of prehistoric bird silhouette many times my own size. They fell again, the wind rushed down and out as if on the run, sweeping the snow and bending the grasses around me. My body was snatched from it's hold upon the ground. The talons were as finely controlled instruments for they gripped me securely yet harmlessly. The ground swept away, I watched my world shrink beneath me as we rose into the evening sky. Why did I not freeze?

Something changed; the night fell into full swing in mere moments, auroras grew fingers as they beckoned to life the string of volcanoes along the peninsula. Then spitting skyward from their throats came music from Illiamna, Stars from Redoubt, Spurr and Augustine shared the ends of a great, whipping, electric arc. The auroras fingertips repelled with small explosions of multicolored lights when making contact with the arc. The inlet grew a foam thick fog which blanketed everything a couple thousand feet thick. It began as a chilling crimson, fading back to the dark grey of stormclouds, upon which then sailed a fleet of wooden warships heading toward a single peak.

I was dropped, My captor had let go his hold, everything in sight returned to normal, a killing chill froze my eyelids shut. I was falling fast toward fate and Cook inlets icy waters when I was snatched again, the scene reverting once again to the same display of otherworld imagery. I shivered the warmth back into me while cradled in some protective bubble that seemed to only follow this creature. We flew toward home, this time the scene smoothly reverted back to normal.

The winds came again as I was lighted down where I left from atop the house. It stood looking at me for a moment, Scratched some sort of symbol in the snow and flew away. It disappeared into the sky long before it should have vanished from sight.

I have a feeling that this is not over. I will be vigilant.

Tormen Tagain

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