Tuesday, July 3, 2007

So there I was.........

....Just sitting there contemplating the next edition of this blog thing. Not wanting to get political, too controversial, too pissed, or even to fantastical and BOOM!!! The damned huge leathery winged thing materialized, plucked me right out of the chair and took me aloft for another enigmatically insightful journey.

The sun faded to a deep deep orange and the clouds appeared to close around us as with a sentient intent.The winged thing grew a tail. The tail grew greater and turned, spinning and weaving. It reminded me of a vine growing but in mere seconds. The tip came swift but then smoothly pass my eyes. It slid down my back and around me, and then flinging me to the sky above. My ascension slowed gradually as I watched the huge thing drift down and away. I started looking about, it felt like forever those 3 seconds before I started my descent. It still felt that way a minute later when I had yet to fall. I found myself not quite floating but rather suspended. I looked above me for a sign of my savior for still I did not fall. The chill went away, replaced with warmer, damp, stale air. I craned my neck around and up. surprisingly, I could. As an Owl I turned my head and still saw no reason in the surrounding skys for what held me aloft. Looking down again an Old worn wooden plank floor had materialized below my feet. I stepped down onto the floor. Looking up and around I found the sky was gone. replaced by a cave or tunnel. Dark behind me, A light ahead. The abysmal pit or a train? One at each end and it seemed there was no other alternative.

I started searching beside and around me. I would claw my fingers raw into the rock and earth to escape rather than face either the train or the abyss. Something flickered ahead at the light source. Something was moving back and forth across the light. It was the end of the tunnel! It was not a train! I saw something flying back and forth in front of the opening. A deep note or howl intermingled with a desperate cacophony of fading shrieks came from behind me out of the dark. Some of the shrieks would seem to grasp for me,leaving black and purple spots of frostbite wherever they touched before being dragged into the black. I ran toward the daylight. The dark behind me expanding. The light from ahead getting closer. I reached the cave entrance. A cliff! My body scraped, cut, and bruised itself as it clawed and skidded searching for a hold which would save me from the fall. I was able to stop myself at the edge of the opening, legs outstretched into the air as my now bloodied hands desperately dragged my body fully back inside the cave.

I crept back to the edge to view a sheer vertical face thousands of feet down, the bottom shrouded in mist or altogether nonexistent, I knew not which. Above, an ominous formulation of darkening clouds sank lower, shrouding the fading orange sun. I'd thought I was already saved from an imminent fall when my feet first found this floor. Fear takes me but somehow again I stave off panic. I have no choice. I pull myself up and fall back a few steps into the darkness. I scream in agony and feel a weakness growing as the shrieks seem to hungrily draw something from some essence deep within me. In a defiant sprint, I ran straight out the opening. Into the sky to fall again. Hundreds of the huge leathery winged creatures appeared from the clouds to fly erratic circles throughout the sky around me far and near. The only tailed one swoops in and grabs me, pulling me in with the tail as it grows shorter. As the tail whips around I am forced to grab for the neck or risk falling as the creature turns to fly downward toward yet more unknown.

The g-forces worked aggressively against me as my fingers nearly loosed their grip to hang on. But I did hold on. Above and behind me I see the final tendrils of darkness retreating back into the cave opening. The shrieks and howls they made as they were denied me echoed in my head and shivered my already stressed nerves. The ground came fast. Smooth and swift we lighted atop the house. My fingers finally let go of themselves and I slid to it's feet. I was beaten and tired in mind and body. I lay there looking up at the huge leathery winged thing. It's eyes burned with an expectant intensity into my own, It stepped back then with one talon like foot and a surprising gentleness it moved me aside and scratched a sign in the ground; A sign unlike it's prior leaving. It looked at me again. The great wings spread, It's head hailed upward. With a silent scream then a great downward rush of wind it was gone. Again, it disappeared into the sky long before it should have vanished from sight.

There was an uneasy similarity to my First Experience tho the scene itself seemed unrelated for the most part. There must be a message, or maybe a warning? for which I will seek clues as I feel that whatever the huge leathery winged creature needs me to understand may be much greater than myself.
I will remain vigilant.

Tormen Tagain



john r mclay said...

My guess at your problem is that there is an abundance of words in your pen, and should be squeezed out on a regular basis to keep it from erupting due to them reproducing at an insane rate. Always, a good story.

VA said...

Yes,the pen should always write towards a good orga...... uh hm, ending.