Today I needed to locate some salt tablets for the water softener. As much as I hated to it was Walmart which I chose to do my shopping for this. Conveniently on the way home and yes, nearly half the price as the closest out of the way competitor. Morton salt right? Not the sweatshop clothing, not the environmental holocaust packaging of toys from the east that need to make sure the pony's mane is held just perfect for marketing. No, I just went for the salt. This is not to say I haven't been to the evil empire for that sweatshop clothing etc. I just try to limit it.
But then something hit me. Wow, maybe walmart isn't so evil after all. If it weren't for the sweatshops providing us with all those good things that we "think" we need then what use would there be to breed all those new little workers? Maybe it's better to give them 3 cents a day to survive on rather than the alternative, nothing. If the sweatshops went away then we'd have that many more starving little slave, (pardon, working), children running around the developing world with no direction, eating each others ligaments for sustenance. On the other hand if the sweatshops became legitimate and had to raise their prices then they might become less competitive in the world marketplace and have to shut down. Again, releasing all the little laborers back into the world to fend for themselves and subsequently eating each other that much quicker. The remaining farmland would disappear as all the tent cities took their place. More babies would have be born at an even quicker pace to keep up with the growing demand for sustenance. The earths concentration of methane gas would compound at an alaming rate because of the flatulence created by eating each other. The planet would heat up at an exponentially dangerous pace. The remaining atmosphere would burn away and we would all suffocate on the solar radiation.
Yes, maybe walmart is a wonderful thing! bringing us all that over packaged, cheap, disposable crap that we think we need. You know, all the stuff that we never needed before walmart came along and offered it. Sweatshops have a place in the world. Sweatshops are humane in the sense that they are helping to save our planet from destruction by allowing overpopulation to thrive without having to resort to cannibalism and all the peripheral dangerous environmental effects that come with it.
Buy a petroleum based plastic toy packaged in plastic and bagged in plastic to do your part in saving a child and the world. Today!
I knew there was a reason i still shop at Wall Mart....but soon...Target will be here...and Wall Mart will be my neighbor...who do I chose then...I want to do my part in saving the atmospher.....the children make me crazy.....
adopt 3 of them like i did - they're in the shed making head cheese.
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