Sunday, April 15, 2007

Organic Christians

Today we drove to Talkeetna for a reason that has nothing to do with this post other than we drove north to get there and subsequently had to drive south to get home. It was on the southern route of the Glenn Highway somewhere between Wasilla and Anchorage where I caught a quick glimpse of a handmade sign on a stick along the side of the highway. The words were too many to read at last moments notice as it flew by me, (or I should say as my truck flew by it), at around 65 mph but I think I read enough to get the idea, sort of. "...The New Organic Christian....". I think the rest might have read something like; " exit", or, " open just ahead", or something like that. Leave it to say that it wasn't important enough for me to take such a drastic measure as to stop and back up on the busy highway but it did get my imagination working a little to fill in the blanks of information given in such a short time frame.

What is an Organic Christian? Would they taste any better than a non-organically raised Christian? I would think that maybe a non-organic christian might grill up better as I seem to have noticed on many Sunday mornings while waiting for the backup on the road to clear out in front of their churches that quite the majority seem to be at least a lot obese. All that fat might help the evenness of cooking.

Possibly then would an organic christian be fed healthier foods in avoidance of the gluttony sin that that seems to so invade their non-organic cousins? If so then probably the fat to meat ratio might make for a leaner cut but would require much more sauces and attention while grilling. God forbid we have to keep dumping more of our beer over it to keep it tender and juicy.

I don't eat very much red meat as I like to stick to Fish and chicken mostly. I have no ethical reason to avoid it and do enjoy a good well done cheeseburger on rare occasion. However, if anyone wishes to share their knowledge of this issue, maybe you have seen the sign as well, or would just like to post a recipe or 2 please be my guest.


NT said...

Next time you're in Talkeetna, stop by and we'll let you nibble some of our world-famous all-organic Baptist Buttocks Burgers.

I can most definitely vouch for the health benefits of consuming organic Christians. I used to have pimples until I switched to an all-organic diet. My pimples have disappeared!

(Note: If anyone has a cure for the flatulence caused by an all-organic Christian diet, please let me know. Thanks.)

VA said...

Most definately i would imagine them to be much healthier than the alternative. As far as the flatulence goes though the saying "All things in moderation" would probably be fitting here as well.

Anonymous said...

I believe what was meant by the term organic Christian is in relation to a Christian living their walk for Christ without being 'genetically modified' by the sinful world which is all around us. The Bible says that we should be IN the world but not OF the world as in we should not be blending IN but standing OUT for Christ. I really don't think it meant anything about eating homegrown apples or anything, lol remember the Word says that it's not what goes INto a man that defiles him, but what comes OUT... anyway God bless you guys!

VA said...

I do concur. It is definitely what comes out of a man that defiles him. That is of course if the toilet backs up and over flows. Then with the price that a plumber charges. That in itself is defile incarnate! But then, the plumber is here to help us clean up the system so that the 'defileness' doesn't further defile the soul.
um sole....of our shoe.
Oh, and thanks for visiting. stop by anytime. Have you been to our little Spiritual corner ?