Sunday, April 22, 2007

Wasilla sewer bubbles

This is something I have been wanting to post for a week orso, (whoops, who's Orso?). The problem is that I don't know if it needs anything done for it that it doesn't do itself. Let's just start with a link.(Click on the header to this post)

Trust me, I'll get back to this one after the yeast I've added to my brain, via the post birthing government funded hinged head hatch, has been able to get the fermenting process going well enough. ....Wasilla....creature....playground....homeland security......Sara Palin......Aliens.....ORSO IS THE SEWER FOAM CREATURE!!!


john r mclay said...

The scariest part is that there was other occurrences in our nation, at the same time, with similar "shit bubbles". Flying shit IS a monster. As a kid, my friends and I used to refer to the orange, foamy, rainbow-ish substance in ditches (causing fear) as "ooka" - the unknown. Orso seems a fitting name for this new creature to fear.

VA said...

I'm still waiting on myself to get back to this one.