Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Maggie the Alaska elephant

Concerning the plight and public outcry of Maggie the elephant at the Anchorage Alaska Zoo.
This is a no brainer. Bees overwinter by huddling together in a tight formation. Instead of shipping Maggie off to the lower 48 I think we should just import about 5000 elephants so they can huddle together just like the bees do. Never will any of them be lonely and we can put a cute little tiara on Maggie so we can tell her apart. Since they will be creating a huge amount of feces we can just mix that in with the snow piles during the winter. The heat that the feces generates will help to keep the snow piles in the parking lots to a minimum thereby freeing up a lot of parking during the winter months. After the winter is over we can use the feces remains to build compost piles to fertilize the gardens for all the food we'll need to feed all the elephants and the circle is completed. See it'll all work out in the end, (so to speak).

I posted this on the Anchorage daily news , (ADN), blog today and felt I'd best put it here where it rightfully belongs before they delete me.


VA said...

Well, looks like at least for now the bandwagon has been shut down. Looks like it's time to find another eh?

Heidi said...

I know I am late, but I am on your bandwagon!! Great write up...did ADN delete you?

VA said...

No, I think they let it run on through but I did seem to notice a slight escalation of the sarcasm angle a bit on the posts there after it. I'll take it.