Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Hi ate us

There's this thing that came out of the sky so fast that we had no time to react. I'm told it's name is "Hi". Anyway, it swooped down so fast we couldn't get out of the way in time so it ate us. So, given the current circumstances of being eaten and having to use telepathy to get these words across the void onto this barely existent page inside this virtual sort of not really real in too many senses place I will be back as soon as the passing and reconstruction have been completed.
In a word "Hiatus"

I hope we tasted good.

It could be the Absinthe


1 comment:

john r mclay said...

Sorry to hear you are (non)digestive matter. Have you seen the old (late 80's) movie - The Alien Who Loved Italian (not the food, the people)?
If you haven't, I guess it's too late - unless the Hi has on board movies.