Sunday, December 14, 2008

The coming retail bailout? etc..........

I have a theory. I can't help but think that in part the reason the big 3 auto manufacturers are so aggressively pursuing this bailout package right now before the end of the year is because they have a better chance of securing it right now. That is I mean before the end of the christmas season. It might be a lot more difficult after the big retailers etc. try to get a chunk of it as well after this.

I know I'm not going to buy a bunch of that plastic crap produced everywhere else on the planet for the sake of artificially propping up the root of the problem anyway.
Does anyone else at all see that the root of the problem is simply that we just don't produce anything any more? And in order to fill the void of true substantial real production of tangible assets we have created a system of false currency that is nothing more than one of those pyramid schemes that finally falls when the scam is found out??? A Smoke and mirrors scheme that attempts to hold onto validity when what's real has already left the building?
Back in my youth in the eighties I remember getting simply weird looks or even downright "what ever's" when mentioning anything about the coming problem of our loss of productivity and manufacturing. I mean, I remember sitting in at a political action sort of meeting mentioning that the most important thing that can be done for this country is to do anything possible to keep our industry here in the U.S. because we can't sustain ourselves as simply a consumer and service driven economy. Silence,
just silence
as they stared at me and changed the subject.
WHAT! Maybe it was that I was a long haired eccentric radical sort of individual in a room of helmet haircuts and fake jewelry. Maybe it was because I was so much younger than all those self serving special interest laden fux. Maybe it's because I called them shortsighted that they couldn't get it.
For whatever reason I never went back to that room full of idiots. Instead I screamed at as much of the world a possible as loud as possible as often as possible utilizing as much amplification* and ticket sales we could garner as until it became impossible because I had to get to work producing something tangible. *[I'll link this reference at the bottom of this post]

And NOW! as I have produced something for many years I want to start screaming and mentioning those unmentionable things again I am yet again stifled. How? because now after a few decades of pilfering our dollar and regulating our industry to death, and creating subservient needy sheeple through our educational system and 'entitlements', those few dollars I have accumulated and subsequently been massively devalued by those same self serving special interest laded manipulating fux don't go far when falling on robotic sheeple ears.

What happened to the bootstraps that we as a people and nation used to be able to pull ourselves up by and get to doing that thing that so many thought impossible? Whatever it was that we decided that we thought we wanted that to be. They are now made in china and when we try to pull them up they break, releasing a whole myriad of cancer causing particulates. Well at least that way we can continue to subsidize the pharm industry to research what's wrong with us and how they can help medicate our minds so that we don't get depressed and worry about the problem.

Maybe we should be medicated and depressed when we see the aliens coming with hungry stomachs. There are a lot of us, a whole lot. I hope they don't treat us like we did the buffalo so long ago. I mean, if they're going to see us as stock, remember, we're not infinite. Please look at us as a sustainable resource. But don't let us think for ourselves too much. It could lead to dissent. Which might cause us to get up from our couches and actually do something about the problem.

Wow, hindsight is 20/20 when your head is being shoved right up it.


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