Monday, February 16, 2009

Open letter to all those economic manipulators

Something about all this bailout and stimulus stuff has me concerned. Duh! Right!?
But anyway, I have been noticing something recently and if I didn't still feel secure with my job I'd just go into business right now. I can't think of a better time in the last 20 years to go into business for yourself. I did it once before during a recession in the early Clinton years and had a pretty good run at it for over a decade before life changed. No, I won't get into that series of events. Lets just get to the meat of this post:

This is a correction. Yeah yeah, statistics say recession and/or teetering depression but in reality it should be a correction. How so? because all that irresponsible crap that has been going on more and more has finally come home to roost. What's a correction supposed to do? Weed out the bad, reconfigure pricing structures, get rid of the Ponzi scheme economics, send a lot of people to jail, and Spur innovative thinking etc etc..
Basic survival of the fittest.
Instead, what are they doing?
Bailing out those that have done wrong with a bankers bailout.
Subsidizing those that can't compete.
Stifling innovation and small business by offering a "Stimulus package" to essentially prop up the large companies who do work via dinosaur-like non-competitive methodology and special interest anyway.

I am in the construction field. I have noticed recently that the amount of offers I get to be involved in, asked to personally bid on, or do, have been goodly quality commercial and residential jobs/projects.
Why is this? Because of the bottom line. Companies and individuals would still like to or need to get work done but guess what? Money is in short supply.
This is where it should be a great time to start a business. By the pricing I have done recently on these "side" projects I can easily triple my hourly wage even given the added expenses I would need to take into account to do this thing legitimately while at the same time saving the company that needs the work done just flat hoards of cash by not having to pay those larger companies with huge overhead and labor costs for the same work. And, I know I can do at least as good a job if not better.
Then why don't I do this? I didn't say I'm not but I'm taking baby steps at it.
Why again? If I'm so positive this is the right move.
Because of 2 things I have mentioned earlier in this letter:

Bailout and stimulus package.

They are feeding money, socialistic entitlements, and special interest into a failed system to keep that same failed, unproductive, non-visionary, special interest laden corporations and government created flawed fiat money system afloat and with work.
Thereby potentially stifling the creativity and innovation that we need so badly to not just prop ourselves up but to rise again as the leading technological and manufacturing country in the world.
Band aids don't cure the wound.
It needs to fall, sorry, it needs to CORRECT that the creative and innovative can bring us back.
Let the collapse take my retirement(or what's left of it) It's all fake money anyway backed by nothing.
All we're doing here is supporting a system to build yet another bubble. And we all know what happens to bubbles.

And yes, both parties are to be chastised equally for a lot of this. Tax us or rob from future generations. They are one in the same with different language.
"Drill baby drill" = a continuation of a dinosaur business ideology that stifles the technological innovation that once took us to the moon.
and "Change we can believe in" = false hope for the sheeple masses who have been duped enough by that same failed, bloated bureaucracy of a government who brought us here in the 1st place to thinking that they are the answer. Dare I get deeper into this one? You get the point.

Wake up nation. Tell the government to...

...JUST GO AWAY! We will be stronger for it if you just let things happen as they need too!

And STOP manipulating our money!

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them [the banks], will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
- Thomas Jefferson

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